Samsung Galaxy Note 800 Price in India. Samsung launched its new device in India - the Galaxy Note 800 tablet. The tablet features a 10.1-inch LCD touchscreen with a resolution of 1280x800 pixels. Quite like its predecessor, this new Galaxy Note 10.1 also comes with a stylus called the S Pen. The Galaxy Note 800 has an internal memory of 16GB, which is expandable up to 32GB. The device comes with a 7,000 mAh battery. The new tablet comes with a multiscreen feature, with which users can run two different applications side-by-side.
Samsung Galaxy Note 800 Specifications
- - 10.1" WXGA TFT LCD capacitive touchscreen
- - Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich).
- - Quad-band GSM (850 \ 900 \ 1800 \ 1900 MHz), quad-band 3G
- - 5 mp main camera with LED flash and 1.9 mp front camera
- - 16 \ 32 \ 64 GB internal storage (only 16 GB in India), 32 GB microSD card slot.
- - HD (720p) recording at 30 fps.
- - Supported video formats: 3GPP, H.263, H.264, MPEG4, WMV;
- - Supported audio formats: MP3, AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, AMR, AMR-NB, H.263, MPEG4.
- - Bluetooth 4.0 LE, USB 2.0 High-Speed, Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n
- - S Pen for sketching and handwriting input.
- - 10.3" (w) x 7.1" (h) x 0.35" (8.9 mm) (d), 583 grammes.
- - 7000 mAh battery.
Samsung Galaxy Note 800 Price in India is Rs. 39,990
Samsung Galaxy Note 800 is an amazing tablet having 10.1 inch display screen. To check out used or second hand mobiles visit